Maintaining normal levels of the active form of Vitamin A, retinyl palmitate, plays an important role in supporting health in these areas.
Vitamin A Drops is an effective formula containing 750 mcg RAE (2,500 IU) of vitamin A per single drop.
If you can relate to one or more of the following statements, then Vitamin A Drops may be helpful for you, or your kid, in supporting a healthy immune system, eyes, skin and throat.
• Driving at night is difficult for me. I would like to be able to see well at night.
• My skin is very dry and, in places, has little bumps. I would like to support healthy skin.
• I struggle with a lot of pimples, acne, and oil on my face and other parts of my body. I would like to support healthy, clear skin.
• My throat is itchy and a bit sore. I would like to be able to swallow with ease and have a healthy throat.
• I tend to get sick easily. I would like to support a healthy immune system.
• I have a genetic variation in the BCMO1 gene which slows my ability to convert beta-carotene to retinol.
• I am a vegan or vegetarian. I get beta-carotene but I don’t eat many foods containing the retinol type of vitamin A.
• I have a skin injury or wound. I would like to support healthy regrowth of my cells so I can heal.
• I struggle with leaky gut and do not absorb nutrients very well.
• I had bariatric surgery and do not absorb nutrients very well.